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Why are we so alone–even with all the electronic connections around us? What does it mean when our hearts long for more? Is the rest of the World feeling that longing along with us?

Most tribes are exclusive in an attempt to keep their culture and ways alive. But I am a refugee. My culture and land were ripped apart and scattered. So now I find myself with many others…going about picking up broken pieces of treasure and sharing them with new friends!

Out here in the Southwest desert, it’s quiet. The sun and the wind have their way. They peel paint off of car roofs and road signs. They shred plastic tarps in a matter of days. They put their imprint on everything including people from far away places…like me, a pilgrim descending from Asheetha.

The Sonora desert is a place where it’s easier to hear what’s in your heart and let it mingle with what’s outside. The longer you live, the more you have on the inside! I wish to honor you and your heritage along with my own.

This website reaches out to you–hoping that we will find a way hear and share together. What we have been through has been rough, and yet here we are–survivors learning how to thrive!

My journey is no more important than yours, but I’ll begin by sharing mine in hopes that soon I’ll be hearing from you!

One goal I have is to start by sharing connections that are meaningful and real. We have all been given, or picked-up along the way, gifts that we were meant to share. What I have received may be yours! I hope to collaborate and celebrate with YOU every day!

More than that, I hope that ultimately we will both discover more about the One True Love, Yeshua! Not in a religious sense, but in a moment by moment personal encounter with our Loving Creator! Someone’s religion led to the slaughter of my people, but Someone’s love led to healing and newness when I had lost all hope.

Your ideas and even your problems are welcome in my heart! In fact, if we share together, this website may serve to help us discover some of the greatest wonders of life (past and future)! Please feel free to check around and also share with us what YOU are looking for! Or you may want to share something from your own journey that might help others who stop in at Elijah4u!

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