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What Is the Name of YOUR Tribe?
Many people in our modern world connect their identity with a sports team, a style of music, or favorite activity. Meeting other people with the same interests gives them something in common to talk about. But often that’s not enough to build a lasting relationship on.

Others of us consider their immediate family to be their Tribe. Unfortunately, jobs, education, death, and divorce too often severe the close connections that were once shared. And still the desire to feel connected to a larger circle of support is a need that most of us secretly share.

Ever notice how we are either coming closer together or growing apart?
Every relationship is like that…we are either reconnecting or drifting away.

Nowadays our ethnic backgrounds are blending and melting into one big under-seasoned soup! The concept of a Tribe is disapearing and while we are technologically more connected, people are more lonely than ever.

Elijah4u is made-up of members of the Lower Tyaray tribe who are working at building bridges and better connections with all our relationships…we are even preparing for and embracing the ones we are not yet aware of!

Who you are is important! So we will break the ice and share with you from our hearts and history and hope, all the while, that you will enjoy and share of your own with us as well!

If you have no tribe of your own or would just like to widen your circle of support, we invite you to consider getting to know us. Our goal is to honor and welcome everyone–after all, we are all a part of the same, human race! But if you are already blessed to be part of a tribe, you are also welcome here! We hope to share and receive respect and honor with you as well!

Wanted or not, we all find ourselves invited to enter into a deeper relationship with our friends, family, significant others, and even ourselves. These invitations come from people reaching-out to us and also our own, inner attractions and loneliness that draws us toward others.

But here’s where our baggage can drag us down. Our wounds from the past may prompt us feel uncertain and look at the cost of getting more involved.

It may be easy to wonder if it’s worth it. Yet even when we are sometimes tempted to feel like lonely prisoners inside ourselves it is hard to continue to live without believing that there is SOMEONE ELSE out there who really cares and wants to give and receive support.

 Finding that mental and emotional intimacy in a safe place is worth the risk, learning how to improve our odds at lasting relationships, and finding meaningful ways to share in a safer place is what Elijah4u is all about. If you don’t share something from YOUR OWN JOURNEY, the world will never be the same without it!

We invite you to explore our stories, resources, and art materials. Share something from your heart on our blog site and see how we might support each other in this crazy world–who knows where it will take us! But we think you will probably discover that you already have real friends right here!

Regardless of the distance, your human presence is already appreciated and respected!
